
Falling For Unwrapped

The Prospects Trust Unwrapped

Physical Challenge

68112 Logo

£5.67k of £9k





Team Fundraisers

Most of our customers know how crazy the Unwrapped team are...well, this goes above and beyond crazy!  So far above and beyond that we'll need parachutes to get back down!

On Sunday 4th August, Team Unwrapped jumped to raise funds for the amazing Prospects Trust https://prospectstrust.org.uk/  

Hopefully we'll be able to keep hold of our Smiliest Server award winning smiles all the way down!  This is so far out of our day to day coffee serving, toastie making and support giving roles and way way out of all of our comfort zones, and we would really appreciate your support!

We would love to raise as much money as we can for our wonderful charity.  The Prospects Trust is 35 years old this year and as part of its anniversary celebrations, we are trying to raise valuable funds so that it can carry on with it's amazing work for the next 35!

Please donate whatever you can - you too would be going above and beyond, and it would mean the world to team Falling For Unwrapped and to The Prospects Trust.  Thank you    
The Prospects Trust Logo

The Prospects Trust

Cambridge | Disability