
Fifty By Fifty -- Running 50 Miles Non Stop

Physical Challenge

£1.03k of £750





Days left

December 2022

You have probably found your way here because of my posts about my Holme Valley Run. If so, great! Thank you for donating.


In February 2023 I will be 50. Early in 2022 I decided to see if I could run 50 miles (non stop) before then. I chose this challenge for reasons you can read about on my website. If you see the update below you'll know that I succeeded but I'd still like to raise some more money. 

By way of context, at the time I had this idea (in March 2022) I wasn't running much. The odd 3 mile jog around the lanes was all I was doing. And the furthest I had ever run in my life was about 14 miles. That was 7 years ago, when I was much closer to 40 than 50. So this whole idea was a huge and stretching challenge for me. 

I know that a challenge like this might generate some curiosity. And so if you are curious I would love you to support Women's Health Matters, which is a small charity based in Leeds where I work and train.

Any amount you can give will make a difference

£5 - A bus ticket for an asylum seeker to attend group for vital health and wellbeing support

​£10 - A girl experiencing domestic abuse to access an intensive support session

​£20 - Helps us support a woman in crisis to find safe overnight accommodation

​£50 - Provides creche facilities to enable mums experiencing domestic abuse to attend a support group

So, if you want to support me I appreciate that. Send me a nice message. 

But what I really want you to do is to click the button to donate to WHM.  Everything you give will directly improve the life of somebody who needs help. 

Thank you. Peace. Stephen         


Women's Health Matters

Leeds | Health & Wellbeing

Women's Health Matters Logo

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