
Christmas Eve Box Appeal




Team Fundraisers

From the 12th of November, the team here at the Social Action Hub, also known as Team Food Share, will be volunteering their time to help those in need in order to understand the complex social issues and tackle loneliness. As well as asking for donations of food, drinks and toiletries from the local people and shops, we also would like to raise money to help us to create more Christmas boxes than we did last year and to assist us in our Team Food Share scheme.

Why they need our service

We want to provide a Christmas Eve Box of goodies for those in desperate need this Christmas, or for those that have have made an extraordinary contribution to their community. Food poverty is a real issue in our community. As well as supporting those in need, we want to celebrate the contributions of those people in our community who find ways to assist others and make our community a better place.

Plan and expected results

Donations from this website, as well as donations from shops and local people will assist the those in need this Christmas and celebrate our community hero's. This project will hopefully raise concern around the homelessness, complex social issues that affect families in need and loneliness during Christmas and to ensure that together we can we help them as much as we can. To nominate someone for a Christmas Eve Box, click on the link:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=cdSGJ7Q

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The Social Action Hub

Mansfield | Social Welfare