In the two downstairs rooms we have insulated two walls and installed four double glazed windows. There is no cavity in the wall which makes insulation more expensive.We had an energy audit done of the Chapel and the audit recommended along with PV solar panels on the south facing roof. We have suggested to the Chapel that we raise money for a 9kW PV system.
Why they need our serviceOur Blackshaw Head Methodist Church - called 'The Chapel' locally - is also used as our only community centre by various local groups: two parents and totler groups, the arts and craft group, the Parish Council, Blackshaw Environmental Action Team, etc plus events like the Christmas fair, the village fete and the harvest festival.All heating in the Chapel is done by electricity. So the insulation of the two of the rooms have made the rooms more comfortable to stay in. PV panels will save money.
Plan and expected resultsThe Chapel will reduce its electricity bills. The two rooms are comfortable to be in.The PV solar panels will not only save electricity but will generate an income through exporting electricity to the grid and through the Feed-in-Tariff. If agreed with the Chapel BEAT will apply for planning permission and grid connection permission for the PV solar panels.
Planning application
9kW PV solar panels
Apprication for grid connection