
The Guilded Lilies take the Burrator 10k Challenge

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

So our final team consisted of staff and volunteers from across the Guild. Hats off to Katharine, who celebrated her birthday on the 22nd May, Sean, our Guilded MAN, Jodie, Larissa, Debra, Lorraine, Helen, Vanessa and especially to our intern Abi, who sadly we missed getting in our team photo. We each had our different reasons for taking part and raising funds for Plymouth Guild, and the challenge was different for each one of us. Our first finisher was 48 minutes and we all finished within 1 hour and 25 minutes, with one of us achieving a bronze and another a 1st place in her category. Well done all. So please, if you can, show us and Plymouth Guild your support and give as generously as you are able. Many thanks from the ‘Guilded Lilies’.
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