
Jane's Place - SafeNet Recovery Refuge




Team Fundraisers

The refuge is a supported housing scheme and operates from a large, purpose built three-storey building, offering 15 self-contained flats of various sizes to accommodate a range of families - from single women to larger family groups. There are many communal spaces for both residential and work purposes. We provide specialist domestic abuse support, access to health professionals, 1:1 counselling, a range of clinical interventions through services, move on support and aftercare.

Why they need our service

Jane's Place is a specialist 'Recovery Refuge' designed specifically for women and children at risk of domestic abuse who have additional 'complex-needs'. These may include mental or physical ill-health, drug and/or alcohol dependency or a combination. Women experiencing these issues are frequently declined space in traditional refuges. The Recovery Refuge is different; it's designed to support women experiencing many different barriers as well as domestic abuse.

Plan and expected results

Jane's Place offers a safe housing environment for short-term crisis intervention, extending where appropriate to medium term support i.e. up to one year on average, but could longer depending on the needs presented. We work with women with active drug and alcohol use who are ready to start recovery from abuse and move forward with their lives. We work together with survivors and help them move towards a safer, healthier and independent life.

charity media
SafeNet Domestic Abuse and Support Services Logo

SafeNet Domestic Abuse and Support Services

Burnley | Health & Wellbeing

£678.75 raised from 2 pages

10k Heaton Park Run

£271.25 raised since January 2019

Half Marathon for Mother's and Children's refuge

£407.5 raised since August 2019