
Growing veggies with Kids - Urban experience





Team Fundraisers

In our urban area we have a lot of children who have never seen a vegetable grow. They don't know that peas come in pods and that carrots grow underground or that tomatoes grow on vines. We want to show them how vegetables grow and encourage them to grow some in a box in High Road! We hope to buy a set of 9 vegetable growing boxes specially tailored for this purpose with gloves and tools for children and then they, along with their parents, will attend our workshops and learn how to plant, weed and look after their boxes. Volunteers will train them and supervise them and the kids will maintain the boxes. Other kids will also be able to see this happening and perhaps join in or find a box of their own to use. We will ensure that the vegetables are well labelled and their use explained etc. Maybe this project can be expanded in the future if we get enough funding but the amount we are asking for now, funds the cost of the first 9 boxes and their contents.
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Mutual Aid Food Willesden

Willesden Green | Community Support & Development