
Live at the Town Hall






Team Fundraisers

In partnership with Wiltshire Rural Music, we will be delivering a series of performances recorded at Trowbridge Town Hall that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home.

We'll feature six incredible musicians across six weeks, with the recordings being released on Saturday evenings. Filmed in early 2021 during the third government lockdown, recorded professionally in line with Covid-secure guidance, with no audience, to keep music alive and showcase amazing musicians within the community. 

Donations will go to Trowbridge Town Hall and Wiltshire Rural Music.

Images and video by Wiltshire Wedding Photography. Sound and lighting by Sheer Music.
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Trowbridge Town Hall

Trowbridge | Arts, Culture & Heritage

What your gift could provide


Support the Town Hall and Wiltshire Rural Music by making a donation


Support the Town Hall and Wiltshire Rural Music by making a donation


Support the Town Hall and Wiltshire Rural Music by making a donation