
Lounge Extension for Work with Residents




Team Fundraisers

In September 2009 the Elizabeth Fry building was destroyed by fire. The new building is complete but due to lack of funds we were unable to build an extension to the lounge, where most of the work with our residents is carried out. We would like to be able to offer our services to former residents and women in the Reading area who suffer from similar problems to our own residents, e.g. drug or alcohol abuse, self-harm and other issues. An extension to the lounge would enable us to do this.

Why they need our service

Elizabeth Fry offers a unique service focused on the support and rehabilitation of 22 women on their release from prison. A lounge extension will provide extra space for daily work with our own residents and also with women in the Reading area who experience deprivation, abuse and the concomitant problems. Group work will include art, drama, therapy and debt counselling services. We would also provide a faith area to encourage women of all faiths and cultures to participate in their beliefs.

Plan and expected results

The direct beneficiaries of our work, and especially if we can create a larger space in which to carry it out, are the Elizabeth Fry residents themselves and also those whom we hope to assist from outside. Indirectly, the number of people in the community and elsewhere affected by our work is incalculable. Our aim is to prevent reoffending. Our residents will cost society less if they refrain from re-offending and causing harm to themselves and others.

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Elizabeth Fry Charity

Reading | Education & Training