It's International Women's Day on Sunday 8 March and the theme this year is #choosetochallenge.
Amber challenges the negative labels that are used to describe women involved in the sex industry - whore, slut, unworthy, unloved, outcast, dirty - we want to show value and care to women no matter what their status or circumstance. The Covid pandemic has made life tough for many people and the women we meet are no exception. We want to keep supporting them practically, emotionally and with prayer.
Nicky & Sue have agreed to do a 'March Hair Madness' challenge. We are looking to raise £500 between us for Amber and then we will dye our hair the colour that the majority of our donors vote for. Crazy? Yes! Neither of us have dyed our hair so vibrantly before! But we are willing to give it a go.
So please support us. Once you have donated please comment with one of the following colours: LILAC, ORANGE, PINK OR BLUE.
We promise to post photos !!