
Marathon for The Daylight Centre

Physical Challenge





Team Fundraisers

I am running my first marathon this year at the age of 56 in Cologne Germany and was keen on helping a local charity, especially one that focuses on homelessness. As well as being a partner in Broadwing accountancy I am also a director of a company that specialises in Mortgages in the affordable homes market, TMP The Mortgage People and am aware that for some people, any kind of housing can be unaffordable. TMP have been supporting The Daylight Centre in Wellingborough with tins of food and therefore I decided that this would be my charity. Staff at TMP have been encouraged to bring in food for the centre to provide hot meals for those in need. This year they hope to raise money to buy sleeping bags for people who have to sleep rough in the winter months. They give advice to people who simply need someone to help them and this could be housing related amongst numerous other areas including helping people with learning difficulties or dyslexia to complete forms. They also provide somewhere for people to get together in the day including a hot meal and friendship. Furthermore they have a food bank for those who really need help in this area. It is so easy to take what we have for granted, a good home, family support, good health, enough money to buy food and more. When we step back and realise that there are many people in society who struggle with even the basics, you realise how important this kind of local centre is and how lucky we are. Please support me in my run (I might need it) and show your support by generously giving a donation
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Daylight Centre Fellowship

Wellingborough | Community Support & Development