To celebrate the last day before a significant birthday, and to raise money for Getaway Girls, I'm running the Leeds half-marathon on 10 May.
Getaway Girls is a brilliant small charity in Leeds which enables vulnerable young women aged 11-25 from Leeds to build confidence, develop new skills and take positive risks in an environment which offers co-operation and support. Its activities include young mum's groups, residential programmes for teenagers and training activities.
Vulnerable young women Getaway Girls supports include:
*young mums and young women at risk of early pregnancy
*young women in care and care leavers
*young women who are excluded or struggled with school and college
*young women getting their lives back on track
*young women living in poverty
*Young women who suffer/have witnessed domestic violence
*young women with low self- esteem/ lacking in confidence
*Young women who are NEET
I'd be so grateful if you could sponsor me as I attempt to prove that my athletic prowess is undimmed.