We run a number of events for children and young people each year, including disco's, film nights, film nights, community events, Morriston's Got Talent and a ball. We also support a number organisations across Swansea including The Autistic Society, Communities First, Townhill Lone Parents Group and local councillors. We also all volunteer with Morriston Playscheme in the after School and holiday sessions to gain knowledge and experience, and attend a variety of training.
Why they need our serviceMorriston Young Peoples Group is a youth led volunteer group with an age range of 11-20 years. We are the only youth led group within or community, and also the only group running events and activities like this. The group provides all of our members the opportunity to gain experience and to achieve our own individual personal goals. We have several members who have mental / emotional health issues, and the group provides a vital outlet to them, as they feel safe and have strong friendships.
Plan and expected resultsThe group provides additional accessible activities for more children and young people, a majority of which are free, and the rest are at an affordable price for the disadvantaged community we live in. As a group, each of us are gaining knowledge and experience of skills such as teamwork, leadership, organisation, budgeting and life skills, as well as confidence building. By working with other communities we are able to provide support to other organisations, ad work with other young people.