
Aberdeen 10K Wheelchair Race

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

My name is Murran Mackay and I am a T54 wheelchair racer. I have Spina Bifida and I have always been in a wheelchair. I have competed in many different races including the London Mini Marathon twice getting a PB this year in April where I knocked 1 minute 59 seconds off my time from the time before. I am going to be taking part in my first 10K wheelchair race in Aberdeen on Sunday 20th May 2018. I am raising money for Dundee Dragons Wheelchair Sports Club which I am a member of. I play basketball, rugby and badminton with the club every Saturday morning and I’d like to raise a bit of money to support them.
Dundee Dragons Wheelchair Sports Club Logo

Dundee Dragons Wheelchair Sports Club

Auchterarder | Disability