




Team Fundraisers

Suicide is a leading preventable cause of death. It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
We need to talk about suicide. As a nation. As a community. As a friend.
'Never Give Up' is RTProjects' suicide prevention project.
One common misconception is: "If someone is going to take there own life they will to do it anyway. We can't stop them"  This is simply  not true.
At RTProjects we support people towards recovery from suicidal ideation and can evidence this through many extraodinary people's stories of recovery.
We reach out in many ways: 
Our song 'NEVER GIVE UP' which was written from Beano's (RTProjects co-founder) own experience of suicidal thoughts. He feels the words could have 'saved' him in his darkest moments, and believes that the words can give hope to others feeling suicidal. That the song can reach out to those who may be going through a tough time. You can help, by getting the song to as many people as you can. The more people that hear it the higher the chance of saving a life.
We know that this has saved people's lives by helping them to reach out.
'Never Give Up'T-shirts. You can order one from our website....but if you wear it you should be ready to have a conversation about suicide. Talking can save lives.
'Never Give Up Rocks' . Beautiful decorated rocks often created by 'survivors'. We leave them all over the place for peple to find and rehide to spread the word. Never Give Up rocks have turnrd up all over the world, Australia. Spain,  Italy, USA, Carribean,  https://www.facebook.com/groups/461808434590113
You can support our lifesaving work with your kind donation.

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What your gift could provide


a support resources pack of art materials and a notebook to help along the road to recovery


will provide a one to one theraputic art session


will provide a creative workshop for 6 people experiencing suicidal thoughts

£24 raised from 1 page

Kick Hope Up

£24 raised since December 2022