
Nicholas Rides to Ypres in aid of Solve It Online

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

Solve It is a educational charity based in Kettering which tries to educate about volatile substances. The Hope Shelter in Kettering is a homeless shelter in Kettering and offer overnight accommodation and a warm meal to those who find themselves without a roof over their head. Having had personal experience of the dangers of substance abuse and how it can lead to destroying lives and families I wanted to make a difference by helping solve it provide education and support to the people who need it most. I have been a keen cyclist for years and returned to cycling to help me become fitter. I restarted cycling for pleasure last year and am training by cycling over 40 miles every week. I have recently done a 2 up time trial (pictured with my randomly selected partner) and have started cycling with Wellingborough Cycle Shop group as well as the trusted Gorilla Firm group from Oundle. Both these groups are friendly and welcoming to new riders. I would love to cycle from Althorpe in Northamptonshire to Ypres as they are iconic places and both feature in the cycle races most close to me this year. Earlier this year the Women's tour of Britain visited Althorpe and the Tour De France started stage 5 in Ypres. Please sponsor me fort these two worthwhile charities.
Solve It VSA, now working as part of Re-Solv Logo

Solve It VSA, now working as part of Re-Solv

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