
Raising funds for Bath City Farm

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

In October I’ll be running the Bath Half Marathon to raise money for Bath City Farm.

We’re a charity that offers therapeutic animal and gardening sessions for people experiencing mental health challenges and facing disadvantage. We working with all ages to offer a non-judgemental space to reconnect with nature and build confidence and develop coping skills.

We rely on donations to keep our services accessible, while also being a free visitor attraction and an important site for biodiversity - over 1000 species make the farm their home.

I have seen the Farm change lives and want to help to keep it running. Please help me to do so through huffing and puffing my way around Bath.
Bath City Farm Logo

Bath City Farm

Bath | Health & Wellbeing

Bath City Farm aids mental health and learning challenges with courses and activities, also serving as a free educational attraction for families. It needs donations to sustain its impactful community support programs.