
Sleep-Out Fundraising for Streets2Homes

Non-sporting challenge




Team Fundraisers

Hello dear friends and family, I am taking part in a SleepOut event on Friday 11th May 2018 to highlight homelessness issues and raise funds for our local Street2Homes (S2H) charity. At the beginning of this year I started helping out in the kitchen at S2H in Harlow, cooking for the homeless in our local community. Well... all I've been cooking for them is curries, as I really am not bad at knocking up some warming, comforting home-made Indian dishes (if I say so myself!). Since starting there I have developed a great sense of respect for the amazing team within this charity. The clients are provided a safe, friendly environment where they can have breakfast and a lunch, have a wash or just a quiet nap on a comfy sofa in the lounge. The dedicated team offer support and help with finding suitable accommodation, employment advice, clothing and much more. Chatting to the clients has really brought home to me how fortunate I am. These people are normal, everyday characters who have just had some misfortune in their lives which has landed them where they are. They have highlighted how easily an episode of bad luck in a job, or a crisis within the family could land any of us into the same situation. So, I want to join in on this humbling event with others who work for S2H, in the hope of raising a bit more awareness. I will be spending the night sleeping rough whatever the weather. Sleeping bags, blankets or cardboard boxes allowed, but NO tents!! Please sponsor me and help me raise funds for this charity. Thank you, Pushpa x
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Harlow | Housing / Homelessness