
Serenity Cafe Project




Team Fundraisers

Since 2009 people in recovery have been running monthly Cafe Club nights so that people in recovery can make friends and enjoy a drink and drug free social venue. In 2011 we will be opening a 7-day Serenity Cafe which will be a focal point for people in recovery to find support, get involved in social activities and learning opportunities, and have fun which builds their health and wellbeing.

Why they need our service

When people have received treatment for drug and alcohol addiction, they face a long term challenge of changing their lives to ensure they stay drug and alcohol free and can start to rebuild their families, get into work and make a contribution to society. But it's not that easy. Physical and mental health, and self belief, is low. People need support from others who have been through the same journey themselves. The Serenity Cafe is a social centre where people help each other.

Plan and expected results

People in recovery will run this project themselves <> volunteers will run the cafe and group activities <> people will gain skills and work experience <> people's health and wellbeing will improve <> people will sustain a happy, healthy recovery

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Edinburgh | Social Welfare