Sian's Captain Tom 100 Poetry Challenge
Someone Special
When lockdown began on March 23rd last year, I wondered what I could do to support my community. I came up with the idea of reading a poem everyday and posting it to various community social media sites... for as long as the situation continued. 401 days later and I'm still reading them ! For the 1 year anniversary I marked the day by undertaking a sponsored poetry reading. I read poetry for 365 minutes, a minute for every day since restrictions began and the pandemic took hold of our lives. I did so to raise funds for a charity that's very local to me .....BCA/Powys People First
BCA is a charity which provides essential services for some of the most vulnerable people in our community. Sadly BCA recently learnt that all future local county council funding was to be withdrawn from Sept onwards....leaving them with a desperate funding crisis. This means they will be unable to cover their core costs, resulting in there being no organisation to manage existing services and to plan and apply for funding for new projects. The very least they need to cover these core costs is £15,000 and so far, through my poetry marathon I've managed to raise just over £1000 for them. I thought I would try to boost this total by taking part in the Captain Tom 100 Challenge Weekend and donating any funds raised through my challenge to BCA/Powys People First. So.... my challenge is to read aloud the UK's favourite 100 poems over the course of the weekend and live stream my readings. I hope by doing so I can raise more funds for this vital service.....and also spread some poetry around ! I hope you enjoy it and will see fit to donate to BCA. Diolch yn fawr....thank you very much.
Sian Drinan
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Sian's Captain Tom 100 Poetry Challenge
Someone Special

When lockdown began on March 23rd last year, I wondered what I could do to support my community. I came up with the idea of reading a poem everyday and posting it to various community social media sites... for as long as the situation continued. 401 days later and I'm still reading them ! For the 1 year anniversary I marked the day by undertaking a sponsored poetry reading. I read poetry for 365 minutes, a minute for every day since restrictions began and the pandemic took hold of our lives. I did so to raise funds for a charity that's very local to me .....BCA/Powys People First
BCA is a charity which provides essential services for some of the most vulnerable people in our community. Sadly BCA recently learnt that all future local county council funding was to be withdrawn from Sept onwards....leaving them with a desperate funding crisis. This means they will be unable to cover their core costs, resulting in there being no organisation to manage existing services and to plan and apply for funding for new projects. The very least they need to cover these core costs is £15,000 and so far, through my poetry marathon I've managed to raise just over £1000 for them. I thought I would try to boost this total by taking part in the Captain Tom 100 Challenge Weekend and donating any funds raised through my challenge to BCA/Powys People First. So.... my challenge is to read aloud the UK's favourite 100 poems over the course of the weekend and live stream my readings. I hope by doing so I can raise more funds for this vital service.....and also spread some poetry around ! I hope you enjoy it and will see fit to donate to BCA. Diolch yn fawr....thank you very much.
Sian Drinan
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