
Simon is jumping out of a plane for Project Food

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

Simon wanted to raise some money for Project Food and decided that throwing himself out of a plane was the way to do it!  On the 8th of September, he will jump out of a plane at 7,500 ft to raise vital funds so that Project Food can continue supporting people struggling to feed their families during the cost-of-living crisis. Families in our community continue to be impacted by the rising costs of food and fuel and as we head into the colder months, they will have even more difficult decisions to make when it comes to feeding their families and heating their homes. Project Food help to take the pressure off by providing free fresh fruit, vegetables and meals so that they can eat a nutritious diet and enjoy better physical and mental health.  The money Simon raises by taking on this exciting challenge will help us increase the number of families we can support over the winter months.  The cost of the skydive has been kindly covered by one of our trustees, so all funds raised will go directly to supporting our community.
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Project Food

AXMINSTER | Health & Wellbeing