My name is Ilias Sachpazidis,
I grew up in Athens, Greece and moved to the UK to study and practice osteopathy 7 years ago. Now I live near Exeter and enjoying the green beauty of Devon every day.
I always enjoyed adrenaline activities because of both the excitement and the feeling of being 100% in the moment that accompanies them. I used to ride motorbikes in Greece for years. I also meditate as often as possible ( which can be from daily to whenever...). I'm now discovering the fantastic world of books and the incredible classics and contemporary literary works that I can't believe I didn't know until recently!
Now, being an osteopath, my life revolves around helping others to either help people overcome pain or just support their body to be able to deal with the stresses and challenges of everyday life.
Jeremiah's Journey help is very valuable in extending that help and support to kids that met the difficult side of life too soon and can use all the support they can get to flourish and become amazing people and love life!
I have never done anything like this before and it would be a lie to say that my heart is not racing a bit whenever I look into. I'm really looking forward to it and doing to for a good makes the whole experience to mean so much more.
If you too want to support this cause please donate what you can! :)
Jeremiah's Journey
Plymouth | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring
Plymouth | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring
Jeremiah’s Journey is a safe place to tell the story of your grief, your way.
Sky diving for children
Non-sporting challenge
Jeremiah's Journey
Plymouth | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring
Plymouth | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring
Jeremiah’s Journey is a safe place to tell the story of your grief, your way.
Team Fundraisers
My name is Ilias Sachpazidis,
I grew up in Athens, Greece and moved to the UK to study and practice osteopathy 7 years ago. Now I live near Exeter and enjoying the green beauty of Devon every day.
I always enjoyed adrenaline activities because of both the excitement and the feeling of being 100% in the moment that accompanies them. I used to ride motorbikes in Greece for years. I also meditate as often as possible ( which can be from daily to whenever...). I'm now discovering the fantastic world of books and the incredible classics and contemporary literary works that I can't believe I didn't know until recently!
Now, being an osteopath, my life revolves around helping others to either help people overcome pain or just support their body to be able to deal with the stresses and challenges of everyday life.
Jeremiah's Journey help is very valuable in extending that help and support to kids that met the difficult side of life too soon and can use all the support they can get to flourish and become amazing people and love life!
I have never done anything like this before and it would be a lie to say that my heart is not racing a bit whenever I look into. I'm really looking forward to it and doing to for a good makes the whole experience to mean so much more.
If you too want to support this cause please donate what you can! :)