The orchard area will be fenced off with post and rail fencing with access through mobility access kissing gates. We are involving a wide range of local groups in a orchard design and creation workshop to encourage local input and ownership of the project. We are involving local youth groups in a planting day in the autumn, they will be presented with a certificate that relates to their tree, encouraging them to come back and view it through the seasons. Hold events to celebrate orchards.
Why they need our serviceThe creation of a community orchard will provide a focus for discovering new volunteers ans users of the site. At them oment the nature reserve is a great place to watch wildlife, go for a walk or walk the dog. An orchard will provide an opportunity people of all ages to come together for apple and fruit days, learn about orchard managment techniques and scrumoping days (enjoying the taste of local varieties of apple and plum).
Plan and expected results1.Increased number of volunteers. 2.Increased number of people using the site. 3.Creation of new habitat will improve biodiversity of the area. 4.Increased sense of community ownership of the nature reserve. 5. More children and families using the site for natural play.