When complete the Sports Development Project will provide: A sports hall large enough accommodate 4 full-sized badminton courts and a wide range of other sports, a climbing wall, a fitness suite, changing facilities for home and away team usage, equipment storage space, reception and office area. We currently have an Appeal running to raise £300,000 for fittings and equipment; building of the facility is being financed by the School. The project is due for completion and full use in Sept.
Why they need our serviceThe new sports facilitiy will be available for use by local clubs and organisations. Discussions are underway to facilitate collaborative and reciprical ventures between school and community sporting and other activities. Many of our pupils live in the Greater Peterborough area and all will benefit from an increased range of sports and fitness activities that the new facility will provide.
Plan and expected resultsThe facility will be used extensively by pupils across the School and allow sporting activity to continue irrespective of the weather. A wide range of sports will be available, some of which will be new to the School. Valued partnerships with other Schools and clubs will continue and be extended and our reliance on use of off-site facitilies will be reduced. We expect additional community based clubs to be attracted and existing users will be able to expand their activities into the new spaces.
Hockey balls
Gym mat
Pair of badminton nets