
Support for people with serious mental health problems






Team Fundraisers

When you have caring responsibilities and find it difficult to cope, your mental health can really suffer.  The demands on you weigh heavily and you may struggle to keep everything going.  One of the things that is often the first to go, is cooking and eating nutritious food.  Having to put food on the table day after day, with no help, while you may be struggling financially as well as mentally, can be too much.

Project Food supports people in this situation and many others with mental health problems.  We don't judge, but help people to get and make nutritious food - through our free fruit and veg boxes and homemade meal deliveries, and through online and face to face cooking support.  Our telephone friends also keep in touch with people, regularly calling them for a chat, so that they know someone cares.
Project Food Logo

Project Food

AXMINSTER | Health & Wellbeing

What your gift could provide


provides a week's fruit and veg box and 2 homemade meals


provides one to one cooking and support for people with complex mental and physical health problems


provides ongoing support for someone with mental health problems