
The Scotties 25th

Special Occasion




Team Fundraisers

August 1993, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic - we became Mr and Mrs Scott. It hardly seems to have been 25 years, isn't the old adage time flies when you're having fun? So now it's time to celebrate and honestly, we really don't want gifts - we have so much to be grateful for! However, we know you like to mark the occasion. Therefore, we would really appreciate donations to RSVP (Birmingham). They do an amazing job supporting survivors of abuse and sexual violence, so any donations directly translate into more services for survivors! As you may know, Rachel became a trustee of the charity having done some work with the charity teaching yoga and Tai Chi. (She doesn't get paid to be a trustee by the way, so your donations don't go to the trustees :) )
RSVP (Rape and Sexual Violence Project) Logo

RSVP (Rape and Sexual Violence Project)

Birmingham | Health & Wellbeing