
The Tomorrow Project




Team Fundraisers

The Tomorrow Project is a suicide prevention project that was set up to respond to the needs and concerns of a local community that now delivers nationally recognised help to people who are suicidal or bereaved by suicide. Suicide leaves behind devastation on many levels - many questions and concerns, and those directly affected by the deaths are left with bereavement and loss. No one wants to lose someone that they love and care about to suicide and none of us want to think that our families and friends might consider ending their lives because of the worry or pain that they are experiencing. But as everyone bereaved can testify – they all too often do. Let’s not leave the future to chance - If we pull together as a community and begin to develop ways of talking to one and other about these difficulties, we can start to change the future and reduce the risk of more deaths. Together we need to acknowledge that any one of us can face these struggles and it is only by seeking the right help and accepting that sometimes we need support, that we can get through things. We have an opportunity to ensure a more positive future for the village and for ourselves. The Tomorrow Project has been established to support communities to deal with the loss of suicide and provide support and help to all people that might need it. Services will be supported by Harmless, a national project with experience in working with people who are experiencing distress and may be a risk to themselves. • If you are concerned about someone that you know - don’t wait to speak to them about it; encourage them to get some help as soon as possible. • If you are struggling with the suicides in the local area and want some support to deal with this, it is ok to ask for help. • If you have been having a difficult time or have ever had thoughts about suicide, it doesn’t have to be that way. We can help. Suicide is final – there is no going back.
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