
Wellingborough Winter Night Shelter

Physical Challenge





Team Fundraisers

1st September I am so thankful for the energy and encouragement, ability and support to walk across this beautiful country, through 3 National Parks, 190 miles and climbing the equivalent of Mount Everest! The experience has confirmed my belief that Wellingborough needs a night shelter for those who find themselves sleeping rough or in a tent during the winter,especially. Thank you to those who have sponsored me and raised much needed funds for the shelter. It’s not too late if you haven’t! 24th August I have been trekking now for 5 days and nearly completed half of the 190 mile route. While walking I have been aware of the weather as I am sleeping in a small tent only really suitable for warm summer camps. I have been cold and damp in the summer so what must it be like in mid winter for those sleeping rough. Wellingborough needs a winter night shelter. 1st August In the middle of a scorching summer, it is hard to visualize what it is like to be sleeping rough in the middle of winter. But in Wellingborough there is a growing number of people that will be living that way, or living in temporary accommodation and sofa surfing this winter. For that reason Wellingborough Homeless Forum are setting up a Winter Night Shelter for this coming winter. They have a property, they have the volunteers, they have the desire, but now they need the money to make the changes required to the building, and money to enable the shelter to provide food, beds and a safe environment for the winter. I am asking you to sponsor the shelter as I choose to go homeless for 12 days, camping and walking the Coast to Coast path (198 miles) from St Bees in Cumbria to Robin Hood's Bay in North Yorkshire. £15 will provide evening meals and breakfasts for one night. £25 will provide a sleeping bag, pillow and food for one homeless person. £50 will ensure the shelter can be open for a week during the winter.
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Daylight Centre Fellowship

Wellingborough | Community Support & Development