On 4th June, I'll be taking part in the Wolf Run alongside some friends. I'll be raising much-needed money for a charity that does amazing work in the West Midlands, and that's RSVP: the Rape and Sexual Violence Project.
RSVP believes that everyone deserves a life free from sexual violence and abuse. They offer empathic services to support and inspire children and adults of all identities who have been affected, whether they're survivors or family members.
Since rape remains a taboo subject, non-profits like RSVP are severely underfunded and rely heavily (if not totally) on charitable donations. Any amount that you can give would be greatly appreciated, not just by me but by the hundreds of clients at RSVP for whom these services mean that they're alive and striving for happiness.
You can check out RSVP's page here: http://www.rsvporg.co.uk