Stories, News and Insights

Highlights from the nationwide Localgiving community and our own team.


Guide: Effectively communicating your charity’s story online.

A successful communications strategy, well executed is essential and can directly increase engagement and as a result donation levels. Done well communications isn’t just talking about changes but why they happen and what they mean.

Community Story: Carers First (East Lincolnshire).

"Carers have told us after receiving a warm pack they feel valued, they feel thankful and most importantly that the packs have made a real difference to them in the winter months. When the packs have been home delivered many carers have wept, they have been so touched that someone has remembered them."


Community Video Story: Women Connect First and Cardiff City FC Foundation.

We have a fantastic new video from National Grid Electricity Distribution who paid a visit to Cardiff to visit Women Connect First and the Cardiff City FC Community Foundation just two recent beneficiaries of their Community Matters Fund (Fuel Poverty) grants which Localgiving administer.

Ffocws ar Gymru: tri sydd wedi cael budd o’n rhaglen genedlaethol £3m+.

"Mae'r cymorth hwn wedi bod yn arbennig o werthfawr, gan helpu grwpiau i ddelio â chyfnod Covid-19, prisiau ynni cynyddol a’r argyfwng costau byw, ymhlith heriau eraill."
