
A bad idea but for a good reason

Physical Challenge

£3.17k of £4.21k





Days left

So I am an idiot and have signed up to ride from Lands End to John O Groats (1402.74km) in 4 day 20 hours and 40mins. To stick to this time I will need to average 12kph even while eating, sleep and, most likely cry. Now, I have decided to try and disguise my idiocy by doing it for a good cause. 

Over the last 3 years a very close friend of mine has been going through his own battle with cancer and after deciding to do this ride for charity and asking if he could recommend someone that has helped him. He immediately told me about We Get It and after hearing about the work they do i think they are very worthy of quite a lot of my time and hopefully a little bit of your money. 

We Get It are a small charity focused on helping people at all stages of cancer from those in remission, living with cancer or just been diagnosed. The big difference and benefit with We Get It is that it was set up and run by people who have gone through cancer allowing them to have a greater understanding and insight of what the people they are trying to help are going through.

A few helpful links

We Get It

The event

Strava for anyone who wants to follow my training or the event 

..........Yes i know its up hill         


We Get It

Bath | Community Support & Development

We Get It Logo

£6.30k raised from 12 pages

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£12.5 raised since May 2024

100k in May for we get it

£75 raised since May 2024

100k in May 2024 for We Get It

£0 raised since May 2024

100k in May for We Get It

£75 raised since May 2024

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£5 raised since May 2024

100k in May

£0 raised since May 2024

100K(m) Minimum in May!

£1.23k raised since May 2024


£212.5 raised since April 2024

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£385 raised since April 2024

100K In May 2024 - For We Get It

£345 raised since April 2024

A bad idea but for a good reason

£3.17k raised since February 2024