Redditch | Health & Wellbeing
Redditch | Health & Wellbeing
we have lost a daughter age 16 and a son age 17 within three years of each other from sudden cardiac arrest. we did a lot of research in to this and found out that up to 19 children and young adult are dying every week in the united kingdom. defibrillators give the best chance of survival in the event of a cardiac arrest. we have now lost our 3rd child our Carrick aged 19 grew his wings 11/01/18 we now know that our children are life limited ,around 200 people diagnosed with vascular EDS
Why the community needs uswe have now installed over 270 defibrillators in and around west midlands with four lives saved to date.
Our impact on the communitySuit 119, Faraday Business Centre, Windsor Road, Redditch B976DJ